I recently talked about SWG: a new project in the GAMEFI sector and their SWGT token presale, which created a ton of buzz in the crypto community.

The presale is over already, but you still have a chance to take part in their token Airdrop which will take place later. By just completing a few simple tasks (like follow their twitter, their discord and telegram) you can qualify for the airdrop at no cost.

To participate in the contest for the airdrop, just use my invite link: https://account.swg.io/auth/signup?ref=FXWLY

You will see in your dashboard a tab called Airdrop and just follow the steps in there. There are overall 7 simple tasks you will need to complete and the process takes about 5 minutes. Once you complete each task, move on to the next one, the key will be received within a few minutes, but you don’t have to wait, you can move on to the next task right away.

SWGT is the utility and governance token of SmartWorld Global (SWG) which received a very high rating (4.45 and above) on the ICOHOLDER portal, a trusted source for cryptocurrency analysis. Also, the project has been featured in prominent publications like CNN, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, and TradingView, underscoring its legitimacy and the growing interest it generates.

The company’s global goal is to implement blockchain solutions in transport and infrastructure complexes, as well as energy and communications projects. The market for services in this area is expected to multiply to billions of dollars by 2027. SWG aims to integrate blockchain into transport and infrastructure, connecting transport solutions, logistics, residential and industrial infrastructure, communications, energy, document management and service payments in a transparent, verifiable and secure way. The use of smart contracts will ensure transparent funds distribution and crypto payments implies quick transactions.

You can find out more in my video, where I did a deep dive into their unique proposition and their tokenomics:

To participate in the contest for the airdrop, just use my invite link: https://account.swg.io/auth/signup?ref=FXWLY

These are my opinions, not financial advice, always DYOR.


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The information contained in this video is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial or legal advice. The content of this post reflects solely my own opinions. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of losses.

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