There’s a lot of development in blockchain tech, especially now that we’re in a raging bull market, so I continue to research and find new projects that emerge as game-changers. The latest one that caught my eye is OJO – a decentralized price oracle poised to transform interchain communication. With an ever-expanding ecosystem of crypto assets traversing the Interchain, the need for secure and accurate price data has never been more pressing. OJO steps into this arena with a blend of ingenuity and precision, offering a solution designed to bridge the gap between centralized and decentralized price feeds.

In this article, I delve into the groundbreaking features and architectural marvels of OJO, dissecting its role in fortifying the blockchain ecosystem’s foundation. From its innovative “Smart Oracle” technology to its robust architecture compatible across a spectrum of blockchains, OJO stands as a beacon of reliability and trustworthiness in the realm of on-chain data provision.

Token Metrics, the analytics and portfolio managing platform, just published a detailed code review of OJO, which is the basis of this article. Their breakdown and analysis of new projects helps me not only to find new gems before they explode in value, but also, to keep a close eye on the stats of all cryptos in my portfolio and much more. It’s definitely a priceless tool for any crypto investor.

According to the report they just published, OJO emerges as one of the most promising startups in its niche, which is why I decided to feature it here in Crypto Corner.

OJO represents a decentralized price oracle, strategically engineered to fortify various crypto assets across the Interchain landscape. This endeavor signifies a pivotal advancement in promoting secure and effective interchain communication, guaranteeing precise price data sourced from both centralized and decentralized outlets. Central to its design ethos is the steadfast commitment to delivering paramount data integrity and accuracy, pivotal for the diverse applications within the blockchain ecosystem.


The cornerstone of OJO’s innovative framework lies in its “Smart Oracle” feature, meticulously crafted to counter market manipulations. This oracle harnesses sophisticated security protocols and cryptographic verifications, complemented by an off-chain commit-reveal framework, thereby establishing a new standard for reliability and trustworthiness in on-chain data provision. OJO’s unwavering support for a comprehensive array of crypto assets underscores its dedication to innovation and its pivotal role in elevating interchain communication standards.


The team behind OJO comprises developers with a solid intermediate background, indicative of a well-rounded blend of experience and innovative zeal. This composition suggests a capable group dedicated to advancing the project’s objectives while navigating the intricate landscape of blockchain development and interchain communication.

OJO Code Quality

The code quality of OJO reflects a meticulous development process, garnering commendation for its high standards. The project benefits from a development team comprising individuals with intermediate to advanced expertise, highlighting a steadfast commitment to upholding and advancing code quality. This foundation of excellence in code is pivotal for ensuring the project’s longevity and its capacity to seamlessly integrate new features and enhancements over time.


The architectural blueprint of OJO underscores its adaptability and resilience, with seamless compatibility across IBC, EVM, and MoveVM blockchains, with a predominant focus on the Cosmos ecosystem. This extensive support is facilitated through the integration of Stargate IBC Queries tailored for chains built utilizing the Cosmos SDK, augmented by the Ojo IBC module and the Hermes tool for streamlined Oracle data dissemination. At its core, the architecture relies on a distributed network of validators operating within a Proof of Stake framework, aligning financial incentives with accurate price feeds, thus fortifying resilience against manipulative practices and operational disruptions.


OJO’s usability is enhanced by its seamless integration capabilities across various blockchain ecosystems, rendering it an invaluable and easily accessible tool for developers. Its compatibility with IBC, EVM, and MoveVM blockchains ensures that numerous projects can effortlessly incorporate OJO’s price feeds into their operations, fostering greater adoption and utility throughout the Interchain.

Product Roadmap

OJO’s product roadmap is ambitious yet finely tuned, initially focusing on establishing the most accurate and dependable price feeds within the Interchain Ecosystem. Beyond price data, OJO aims to diversify its offerings to encompass a range of tailored data feeds, catering to the specific requirements of developers and projects within the ecosystem. The project’s evolution from Umee’s native price feeder to an independent chain optimized for data feed quality underscores its trajectory towards becoming the premier modular oracle in collaboration with Celestia and Axelar.


OJO emerges as a pioneering decentralized price oracle within the Interchain, distinguished by its innovative Smart Oracle feature, resilient architecture, and exemplary code quality. Its holistic approach to delivering precise and reliable price data across a wide spectrum of crypto assets positions it as a pivotal entity in the blockchain ecosystem. With a clear product roadmap and a competent development team, OJO is poised for significant impact, driving the interoperability and functionality of decentralized finance and beyond. The project’s continued success will undoubtedly hinge on its sustained innovation, expansion of data feed offerings, and fortification of ecosystem partnerships.

In their report, Token Metrics gives OJO a remarkably high score: 49 out of 55, totalling 89%, which is based on criteria including innvotaion, architecture, code quality, mainnet, usability and team. These are factors that have been carefully evaluated and being placed in such high ranking is very indicative of a strong market performer to come.

If you want to receive such token reports, alerts on upcoming market moves, code reviews of upcoming hot new projects and other valuable market analysis and statistics that will turn anyone from a complete novice to a profitable crypto investor, use my invite link and give Token Metrics a try:


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The information contained in this video is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial or legal advice. The content of this post reflects solely my own opinions. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of losses.

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