There is a very popular saying in the crypto space: “Do Your Own Research” (DYOR). I’m sure you’ve seen it and heard it already many a time. It is indeed crucial for both novice and experienced crypto investors. Before diving into any cryptocurrency investment, conducting thorough research and analysis is paramount. To help you make informed decisions, let’s delve into the key aspects to consider before investing in any crypto project. 

While the allure of making millions through newly launched, not-yet-established coins can be tempting, it’s essential to recognize the high level of risk associated with these. The cryptocurrency market is a dynamic and volatile space, where the vast majority of new coins face significant challenges and uncertainty. Only a small percentage of these tokens manage to make a substantial impact, and even fewer become a sensation. The crypto market can be so unpredictable. One day some unknown memecoin can make 2000% gains, the next day it’s gone and forgotten, never to be heard of again. Zero utility, yet, uber-high ROI.
This is certainly a gamble.
Sure, you can make a huge profit from such a token, but then again, if every new token had such performance, it would be too easy. I sometimes take such gambles, but there’s no rule to teach about that, it’s simply a chance. You could however, be strategic, get your research done and make an informed decision as to your risk-reward ratio and have more control over your investments. Let the high-risk come into the picture later on, when you’ve got plenty of capital, so you can allocate some of it to those high-risk tokens out there.  

This is why, in this article my focus lies in a more prudent strategy—investing in projects with robust fundamentals. These projects often have a clear technological advantage, real-world applications, and solid teams behind them. While the potential for meteoric gains might be lower compared to high-risk, high-reward tokens, the likelihood of achieving consistent, sustainable growth is significantly higher. By prioritizing the evaluation of a project’s technology, adoption, competition, leadership, partnerships, regulatory compliance, and financial health, investors can build a more secure path toward long-term wealth accumulation in the cryptocurrency market.

Historical Performance:

If you don’t want to gamble with cryptocurrencies, this should be a determining factor when doing your research. Examine both its short-term and long-term price movements. This analysis helps you gauge the asset’s stability or volatility, indicating whether it aligns with your investment objectives. Be sure to scrutinize price trends in both the short and long term.

Market Cycles

Market cycles can significantly impact the price of a cryptocurrency. Be aware of the overall market trend, whether it’s a bull or bear market, and understand how it aligns with the project’s cycle. With cryptocurrencies, these cycles tend to be around 2 years each. Bull markets are in fact shorter, around 1.5 to 1.8 years, while bear markets can stretch just over a couple of years at a time. Accumulating a cryptocurrency during the end of a bear cycle and throughout the early days of a bull cycle is always a winning strategy. If you are reading this as post it, you are lucky. We are currently in the early stage of a massive bull cycle that will run throughout 2024 and most likely into early 2025, so entering the crypto market now is absolutely a great time.   

Market Sentiment

Monitor the general sentiment in the market concerning the project. Determine whether it’s positive or negative, as this sentiment can influence the future market price of the cryptocurrency. This includes social media discourse, forums and telegram groups where the community is active; media articles and reports (if any); just having a good idea of the popularity of the project and how it’s perceived by the crypto community. One thing I know for sure – the OG’s in this space are always very vocal against scams or rug pulls and they would call out any phony project that tries to enter this space. Bitconnect, OneCoin, Terra Luna – these were being heavily scrutinised by some of us (although, this didn’t stop millions of people get fooled into investing in them). If you take the time to research the negative reviews and feedback (and more importantly, take it seriously), you can save yourself from huge losses. So you should.

Community Support

Every successful cryptocurrency project is backed by a strong community. Having that support is essential to the longevity and popularity of a crypto project, this means people who are invested, are in this for the long run and they will not dump their tokens (or coins) at the first pump opportunity. This is really a strong factor and many people do not know that. Make sure to explore what the community is talking about and stay up to date with their discussions.

Apart from this, also look outside of their own community and check what others are saying too. If a project (or token) has a lot of naysayers, a lot of negative sentiment against it, especially those who have been in the space for many years, this is certainly a warning to keep away. The token can still make some big pumps from time to time, but in the long run, it cannot be sustained. 

Technical Analysis (When to Buy or Sell)

Technical analysis involves evaluating a cryptocurrency’s price movements and trends using historical data and chart patterns. It helps predict future price movements and identify buying and selling opportunities.

Consider the following factors in technical analysis:

  • Charts: Analyse price charts to identify trends, support and resistance levels, and chart patterns.
  • Indicators: Utilize technical indicators like moving averages, volume, and oscillators to gauge market sentiment and potential entry and exit points.
  • Trends: Identify long-term and short-term trends, such as bull and bear markets, to make predictions about future price movements.
  • Volatility: Assess the cryptocurrency’s volatility to determine if it aligns with your risk tolerance and investment strategy.
  • Market Events: Stay vigilant about market events, including news, partnerships, or regulatory changes, that can influence the cryptocurrency’s price.

Fundamental Analysis:

Fundamental analysis is crucial for assessing the long-term success of a cryptocurrency project. Consider these factors if you’re planning to hold the cryptocurrency for an extended period:

  • Technology: Evaluate the cryptocurrency’s technology, focusing on aspects like security, scalability, and potential for future development.
  • Adoption: Assess the real-world adoption and usage of the cryptocurrency, as well as its growth potential.
  • Competition: Analyse market competition and its potential impact on the cryptocurrency’s demand and value.
  • Team and Leadership: Investigate the experience, track record, and future development plans of the team behind the cryptocurrency.
  • Partnerships: Consider any partnerships or collaborations the cryptocurrency has established, as they can influence its future growth and adoption.
  • Regulatory Environment: Analyse the cryptocurrency’s legal status and the regulatory environment in your country, as these factors can affect its value and adoption.
  • Financials: Examine the financial health of the cryptocurrency, including its revenue, expenses, and market capitalization.

Market Events

Stay updated on major current or near-future events that could affect the project’s price. These events may include new releases, public partnerships, or regulatory developments. New tokens (token swaps) or new apps and other components to their ecosystem is also of great importance as well as the lack thereof. 

It’s crucial to remember that past performance does not guarantee future results, especially in the highly volatile and speculative cryptocurrency market.

If you decide to proceed with the investment, consider conducting both technical and fundamental analyses, particularly if you plan to hold the cryptocurrency for an extended period. For quick returns, focus on technical analysis to determine your entry and exit points.
However, if you have a long-term investment horizon, fundamental analysis is essential.


Lastly, assess the trading volume of the cryptocurrency and the tokenomics: token supply, token burns (if any), token issuance, lockup periods (if any), premine, etc.
Sufficient liquidity and market demand are crucial for ensuring that you can buy or sell the asset when needed. This is especially significant when dealing with low-capitalization altcoins. You should also be aware of what exchanges is the token traded on. Being listed on many exchanges means you will have less to worry about when you need to sell. 

And finally, here is a strategy that always works, especially for those who are not too keen on reading the charts and diving into the complexities of Technical Analysis.

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

This approach involves regularly investing a fixed amount of money, regardless of the cryptocurrency’s current price. DCA provides several advantages, particularly in the volatile cryptocurrency market. By adhering to a consistent investment schedule, investors can mitigate the impact of price fluctuations and reduce the emotional stress associated with trying to time the market.

DCA allows investors to buy more of a cryptocurrency when prices are low and less when prices are high. Over time, this approach can lead to a lower average purchase price. This technique aligns with the principle of spreading risk, as it avoids the pitfalls of trying to predict market tops and bottoms.

Moreover, DCA helps to maintain discipline and commitment to a long-term investment strategy. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to accumulate cryptocurrencies over an extended period, as it offers the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions while steadily growing one’s portfolio. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the crypto space, DCA provides a straightforward and prudent way to build wealth over time in the cryptocurrency market. This is a well-established strategy in the realm of crypto investing, so it’s a good idea to implement it, even if only to test it out and see if it’s something for you. I know many of my followers have done very well with this method, so let me know if this is your approach too.

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The information contained in this video is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial or legal advice. The content of this post reflects solely my own opinions. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of losses.

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